Tuesday, February 8, 2011

diviner concepts

This week's Bible lesson on Soul has been a good one for me. I especially have liked something from the second section. The Bible verse from John reflects Genesis One: "All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made." Mrs. Eddy illuminates this further where she writes of 'diviner conceptions' and 'the only true conception of being.'

For me, that 'means my prayers and my study are to help me understand this divine conception, what Divine Mind knows about me. I am an idea in divine Mind. That is where I originated. I am a concept of God. Only what God is knowing about me, that divine concept, is true. Nothing has been added to it, or taken from it, it has remained exactly as God conceived it. It is the only concept of me and I am most lovingly and wonderfully made. That is the only conception that ever took place.

That means there are no birth defects, no unpleasant or dangerous traits handed down from one generation to another, no poor genes. I do not have to look at my family and think that I will be stuck with a certain look or action. God is my Father and Mother. All that is true about me is His concept of me.


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