Friday, February 14, 2014

Give us our daily bread, the gift of grace for today

I'd like to share part of a poem from the September 27, 1982 Sentinel. Written by Barbara Cook it is titled "Give us this day our daily bread." "Give us grace for today; feed the famished affections."

Here are the first few verses:

What did they - they who heard the Master - know of bread?
I think they knew the work of it.
Gathering, mixing, kneading, forming, baking - not an easy job.
And every day.
Since only daily bread is never stale.
Fresh and sweet and new it comes,
the fragrance always wonderful.

So when our Master taught them "Give us..." in his prayer
What could they think? A gift of bread, NO WORK?
This truth/bread given free to us each day?
Can this be true, no need for men to EARN their bread,
Just open arms?

I didn't understand at once - not I,
Who years and years believed in earning everything
From love -
Working for good was what I knew.
(Yet we are saved by precious grace of God, not works, says Paul.)

The wonderful grace of God, given so graciously to each of us, daily.
Always fresh and new. I make bread twice a week for our household and I know how much goes into each loaf. It is a labor of love for the family. God, our dear Father Mother, is giving us grace for today to feed and nourish us. Our daily bread. How often do we take time to acknowledge the gift? How often are we even aware of it? I love it when they come home from school and work and gravitate over to the warm bread cooling on the counter. That deep sniff of its fragrance and the delight in a slice, still warm, to nibble on. God loves each of us that way. What a thought!

Be grateful for your daily bread, appreciate it, savor it. That is what God wants you to do.  It surely feeds the famished affections.

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