With lots of help from my computer whiz of a son, Jim, I am launching this new site today. It gives me a place to post some of the things I am learning in my on-going study of Christian Science and share thoughts about my spiritual journey. Very exciting!
A fun insight came my way this week about Noah and the ark. It is actually very encouraging to remember that Noah was not a carpenter by trade. He was chosen for a particular task and must have realized that God would provide all that was needed for him to complete it successfully. We can be strengthened by that idea in whatever we find ourselves called upon to do.Even if it is outside of our regular sphere. Especially if it is. That ark was about the height and width of the Titanic, although only half as long. Not a small task for Noah. He didn't worry about whether or not he was qualified to do it, he just obeyed. The other idea I really liked was that there was only one window in the entire vessel and it was on top. For those inside the safety of the ark, to look outside was to look up and be reminded of God, His allness and His goodness. They were shielded from the view of flood and storm. They were not to focus on what could alarm or frighten them. They were not overwhelmed. They were uplifted.
The gospels tell of a time when Jesus healed a woman who had been suffering with an issue of blood, a problem that had troubled her for twelve years. When she recieved her healing the Master told her she could 'go in peace'. That meant she could go her way, confident that she had been healed of that problem and it would never return. I will end my blog entries that way.
Go in peace.