Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas - Giving and Recieving

As a Journal listed practitioner I get mailings from all the CS facilities around the country. They usually contain inspiring reports of the many healings taking place and the scope of that healing work. Yesterday I got one from The Leaves, located near Dallas, Texas. It included reprints of two articles written by William McCracken, originally printed in the Christian Science Sentinels in 1916-1917.

The first was titled 'Giving and Receiving' and this sentence really stood out to me. It was referring to the response from the field to a call for funds when the extension was being built to The Mother Church. Many branch churches sent the whole of their own building funds. Later they were able to raise funds in unexpected and more expeditious ways. Mr. McCracken says, "They thus proved that by breaking seeming mortal law which attempted to declare that they could not affor to give, they promptly also broke the same law which was trying to prevent them from receiving". What a marvelous statement!

In the other article entitled "Reproving Sham Poverty" he refers to Jesus parable of the talents. We all have gifts and talents given to us by Our Father, although this parable was also about supply. He writes: "This requires, not the reduction of man's dominion but its enlargement, not contraction but expansion, not paucity of ideas but their multiplication, not burying talents but putting them out to interest".

I am so grateful for this 'daily bread' that shows up from unexpected sources and gives me the ideas I need to meet the demands of each day. Another article I was reading directed thought to more spiritual levels. It is on page 387 in S&H. "The history of Christianity furnishes sublime proofs of the supporting influence and protecting power bestowed on man by his heavenly Father, omnipotent Mind, who gives man faith and understanding whereby to defend himself, not only from temptation, but from bodily suffering". Supporting influence. Protecting power. Always present and available.

Go about this final weekend before Christmas filled with the true spirit of giving.

Go in peace.

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